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Lifeiteng intelligent nail pulling machine equipped with mechanical arm to achieve full automation

Nail machine Xiaoxian recently read the news and learned that on the evening of October 10, 18 is the evening rush hour, Wuxi 312 National Road K135, Xigang Road span bridge side accident occurred. A lot of people thought, you know, you cut corners on the construction? Resulting in the collapse of the bridge floor, killing 3 people, injuring 2 others, and being crushed by 3 cars and 2 trucks. In fact, this will also make many people think in this regard, after all, why did the good bridge deck suddenly cause the collapse phenomenon?
After the collapse of the bridge floor, the director of the Public Security Bureau rushed to the scene for the first time, ambulances, consumer and large cranes of the engineering department also quickly rushed to the scene to rescue and clean up the collapsed lot, the unified time also allowed the government to investigate, after a series of checks, the final incident has further development, it is understood that the overloading of transport vehicles caused by the overturn of the bridge.
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Network photos show that the truck involved has a number of hot-rolled coil steel, the specification is 9.30*1500mm, the mass of 28.54 tons, the scene scattered at least four rolls of the same weight steel rings. Six steel coils with a total weight of more than 170 tons were transported from Jiangyin Dock to Wuxi.
In 2007, the Wuxi Municipal Audit Bureau website published the "Wuxi Municipal Audit Bureau on the 312 National Highway Wuxi section expansion project completion final accounting audit results Report" shows that the whole 312 National highway is designed according to the first-class highway standard. According to reports, China's urban bridge construction industry standard "Urban bridge design code" clearly stipulates that the maximum allowable design load of first-class highways is 55 tons.
In other words, the truck load on the elevated road is more than three times the industry standard.
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At present, the driver and the company legal person involved have been investigated!
Alas, Pin machine Editor thinks that the bridge collapse can be rebuilt, but how can people be revived after death? Among them, the victim is a single father, and the daughter of the third day can not stand after seeing the license plate, may God bless the girl!
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