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How to choose the supplier of automatic feeding nail pulling machine will not be wrong?

        Our company was established in 2001, from the starting point for 18 years since the unremitting study and practice, in order to make China in the riveting Then the field to another height, from nothing to nothing, from skilled to professional, and then impossible to subversion, to become the industry's most, the best, the most excellent automation equipment field company.
      Recently, in order to go to another height in recent years, our company diligently studied an intelligent automatic nail pulling machine is a series of needs for high-end customers to meet, This model is not only high-end, strong stability, but also equipped with manipulator arm to achieve full automation to improve less labor, more output, reduce costs, increase profits and other purposes to solve all the troubles for customers!

      This Lifeitang intelligent Automatic nailing machine is a vertical rectangle, equipped with remote PLC+ touch screen intelligent tube control system, it is suitable for a variety of independent programs to choose easily and quickly. It can monitor whether the rivet is loaded into the nail gun mouth, whether the riveting action is completed, whether the rivet tail nail rod is excluded from the gun body, forming a closed loop information of the rivet action, fast and stable nail feeding speed, and more than 60PCS of rivet can be transported per minute, which is an upgrade since the flying effect and the current market. .
      Select Power flying Intelligent automatic nail pulling machine, fully automatic riveting professional custom configuration, your fastening expert power flying!

 nail machine