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Selected by the big time flying effect automatic nail pulling machine


      Many people think that study day after day, how boring and boring! Repeat the same thing every day and night, so that they have completely lost interest in learning.
      It used to be the same for me. Most of the time, I felt that what I learned might not change my work, my life, or even my own life. I just went to study day after day, and even got scolded by my family because of my poor academic performance.
      Until later, I heard someone tell a very interesting story, in ancient Greek mythology, there is a protagonist named Sisyphus, because he sinned against the gods, the gods in order to punish him, sent him to a mountain to do labor.

 nailing machine
        The content of the punishment was that he was required to push a boulder to the top of the mountain, but every time the boulder was near the top of the mountain, it rolled down the mountain, and the previous work was wasted. So Sisyphus did it day after day, over and over again, without end.
        That's the end of the story, and that's the familiar version, and it sounds like Sisyphus is pathetic and helpless, right? Does it feel like learning? Day after day of learning endless learning not knowing why they are struggling to do this thing.
        But the story I was listening to didn't end there until one day a game producer walked by the place and saw Sisyphus, poor and helpless, and the game producer had an idea and wanted to help him.
        The game makers made a little program for Sisyphus, so that every time he pushed the rock to the top of the mountain once, it would appear on top of his head. Experience value +1” From then on Sisyphus would never feel bored, but would push stones as a very energetic work to do.
        And I was thinking, what does this story tell us? This story tells us that when you are doing something without a goal, you will be boring and boring, because you have no goal! But it's different when you have a goal! You will keep moving forward with that goal until you surpass that goal, you will think about fighting for that goal and moving in that direction, and naturally you have an interest, so if you want to improve your interest in learning, you must first set a goal for yourself.
        Just like our automatic nail-pulping machine , we strive to be the best, so we are constantly innovating, constantly optimizing our products, making our products the best in the industry, and also determined to do the best service!

        Therefore, buy nailing machine identification Flying effect automatic nailing machine , for enterprises to solve the problem of fastening efficiency.