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Quick Automation attention Italy epidemic situation!

       Fast Automation is here. According to the Italian newspaper La Repubblicaon the 18th, due to the lack of space to house the bodies of deceased patients in Bergamo, the Italian military sent 70 military vehicles to transport the bodies out of the area.

A few hundred meters from the cemetery in the center of Bergamo, a military train was parked near the Borgo Palazzo , waiting to transport the bodies from the Bergamo cemetery to crematoriums in other areas.

It is reported that there is only one crematorium in Bergamo , and the local cemetery and funeral services have been unable to operate due to the spread of the epidemic. In recent days, the local government has temporarily parked the coffins of deceased patients in the church of the cemetery. Since March 18, the local government has coordinated with the military to start transporting the first batch of coffins to the nearby city of Modena.

      Italy's cumulative death toll from COVID-19 exceeds that of China, reaching 3,405

As of 18:00 local time on March 19, Italy had 5,322 new confirmed cases in 24 hours, with a total of 41,035 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 3,405 deaths. As of 0:00 on March 19, 31 provinces in China reported a total of 3,245 deaths.

      Italy reported 5,322 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day, with a total of more than 40,000 confirmed cases in Italy

According to the latest data released by the Italian Ministry of Health at 18:00 local time on March 19, there are 33,190 cases of COVID-19 in Italy, 3,405 deaths, 4,440 cured, and a total of 41,035 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 5,322 new cases and 427 new deaths compared to 18:00 on March 18.

       Xunjie Automation wishes Italy an early end to the epidemic and a return to normal life. The virus is too scary!