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Xunjie Automation is paying attention to the epidemic situation again.An epidemic has made it clear what kind of country the United States is and what the cultural atmosphere of the United States is.

    According to Gallup research data cited by the Russian Satellite News Agency on March 25, President Trump's approval rating has risen to 49% since March. In contrast, many of the White House's policies have been criticized by the world, so much so that even a serious person like the Governor of New York has begun to "roar in court."

    New York Governor Cuomo publicly criticized Trump in a recent video conference. He believed that the White House's policies were weak and only 400 ventilators were dispatched to the hardest-hit area, New York, which was far from the 30,000 ventilators it had requested. At the same time, the White House repeatedly made mistakes in key economic policies, hoping that the states would protest on their own while hoping that the economy could be restarted. According to Cuomo, the White House may have abandoned New Yorkers and New York could not achieve its goal of treating patients.

    House Speaker Pelosi also publicly blasted Trump, saying that the White House's policies were wrong and stupid, and that Trump was bringing the United States into a dangerous situation. Trump seemed unusually calm in response to these unfavorable remarks. In addition to constantly boasting about himself, he continued to fire blanks. In his own words, this was just a large-scale flu, and it would not be surprising if tens of thousands of people died.

    Under such pressure from public opinion, why did the US president's approval rating rise instead of falling, and repeatedly break through the extreme level of 45%? Russian experts believe that in the face of disasters, almost all citizens will stick together for warmth and support their leaders as much as possible in order to overcome the difficulties as soon as possible.

    Can the White House lead more than 300 million Americans to win the battle against the epidemic? Can the White House restore the economy to the level of 2019? It is difficult to answer this question. You know, the United States is at the beginning of the epidemic, and it is still far from the peak expected by the authorities. At the same time, the shackles of the US medical system and the unfavorable factors of the widening class gap between the rich and the poor are also affecting people's emotions.

    The number of infections in New York, the hardest-hit area, has reached more than 20,000 cases, and this is only the result of the local government testing more than 200,000 people. Simply put, the population of New York State has reached more than 10 million. If the testing scope is fully rolled out, I am afraid that even 100,000 people will not be able to stop it. On the other hand, the White House not only failed to rescue in time, but repeatedly delayed the opportunity. Just ask, with only400 ventilators dispatched and only a few thousand National Guards involved, how many critically ill patients can be saved? It is no wonder that Cuomo is so angry, and Pelosi began to openly challenge the president.

    There is one detail that needs to be noted. Although the United States boasts freedom of speech and freedom of election, some people who understand the American political system point out that the president of the United States basically relies on money to get the vote. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have invested huge sums of money to win votes, even depriving more than 20 million Americans of their right to vote.

    This test of the US president's approval rating is likely to be another black money deal. No one would believe that Trump does not love his country; but it is very convincing to say that the president stands idly by to protect the interests of the rich. This is because the United States represents the elite class and is a country above white culture.

    In short, this epidemic has dealt a heavy blow to the international order and has cost Americans a heavy price. The so-called approval rating is not worth mentioning amid the surging public opinion. If the United States wants to truly get out of the crisis and Trump wants to be re-elected, he must take iron-fisted measures to prevent and control the virus.

    Fast Automation hopes that all this can be realized soon.