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It's school time! What should primary and secondary schools do to prevent and control campus epidemics in autumn and winter?

        With rapid economic development of our country, science and technology of our country change with each passing day.
Modern industry Fastening manufacturing technology and precision machining technology are among the new technologies. Especially for the fastening manufacturing industry, the use of science and technology has helped the industry to obtain more economic benefits. This technology perfectly combines science and technology with product manufacturing process, and participates in every process of manufacturing.


        In the process of manufacturing, it is inevitable to process some relatively small parts, in order to improve the quality of smaller components, we need to use more intelligent and efficient technical tools, Flying high efficiency intelligent nailing machine This kind of technology is mainly combined with modern information technology and new materials, we need to pay attention to every production link, as far as possible to reduce errors. The production process needs to be operated in strict accordance with the relevant regulations, and give full play to the flying effect of the nail resourcefulness and efficiency. To ensure the future development of production enterprises.

      High-efficiency intelligent nail-drawing machine can greatly reduce the use space of parts, improve the utilization rate of industrial equipment space, and reduce the loss of industry. At present, the flying effect nailing machine has been applied in various manufacturing industries, and has improved the efficiency of manual production.