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Prevention is not done - Flying effect nail machine in Linfen City, Shanxi Province, major house collapse accident

 National epidemic data as of 2020-08-25 11:35check the details
  •   Compared with yesterday -47


    Existing confirmed

  • +14 compared to yesterday


    Import from abroad

  • Compared with yesterday +0


    Existing severe illness

  • Compared with yesterday +23


    Cumulative confirmed cases

  • +70 compared to yesterday


    Cumulative cure

  • Compared with yesterday +0


    Total deaths

      In order to scientifically guide colleges, primary and secondary schools, and childcare institutions to do a good job in the prevention and control of COVID-19 in the fall and winter, and to promote the orderly resumption of classes in the fall semester, the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Education recently issued the "Technical Plan for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in the Fall and Winter (Updated Version)" for colleges, primary and secondary schools, and childcare institutions, respectively. It clarifies that primary and secondary school students should carry spare masks with them after the fall semester begins, and students in low-risk areas do not need to wear masks on campus.
      After school starts, how should campus prevention and control work be done? Feixiao Nail Puller will show you:

 1 Management at school entrance after school starts:  Implement relatively closed campus management, comprehensively sort out all channels in the school, and no unrelated personnel are allowed to enter the school; teachers and students will have their body temperature checked when entering the school, and understand in advance the health status of faculty and students 14 days before the start of school, and their travel history in medium- and high-risk areas;
  2 School management after school starts:  Strengthen morning and afternoon inspections of faculty and students, focusing on monitoring whether they have symptoms of suspected infectious diseases such as fever and dry cough; if students are found to have suspicious symptoms such as fever outside of school, parents should report to the students in time and send them to the hospital for treatment;
 3 Disinfection and control after school starts:  Primary and secondary schools should be equipped with sufficient hand washing equipment in classrooms, playgrounds, toilets, canteens, dormitories and other places; use correct hand washing methods and hand sanitizer (soap) to wash hands; strengthen the cleaning and disinfection of tableware (drinking utensils), and reusable tableware (drinking utensils) should be "one person, one use, and one disinfection";
 4 Dormitory management after school starts: Boarding schools should strengthen the management of students entering and leaving dormitories, implement entry and exit with credentials and temperature screening, and conduct preventive disinfection of dormitory floors, walls, door handles, beds, desks and chairs and other desk surfaces every day;
 5. Protection of students after school starts: For faculty and students who are unable to start school on time, psychological counseling should be provided. They should pay attention to personal protection when taking public transportation and school buses, and wash their hands in time when going to school or going home after school;
 6. Protection of teachers and staff after school starts: Teachers do not need to wear masks when teaching. School gate guards, canteen staff and cleaning staff should wear work clothes and masks. Pay attention to the psychological state of faculty and students, and provide appropriate psychological assistance through mental health knowledge training;
 7. Control of key links after school starts: The closed management of the campus should be done by a dedicated person, the area division should be reasonable, the personnel registration and investigation records should be complete, ventilation of various learning, work, and living places should be strengthened, and the ventilation time should be no less than 30 minutes each time. Strengthen garbage classification management and clear it up every day;
 8. Emergency response after school starts: Go to the designated hospital for medical treatment in a timely manner in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the "point-to-point" cooperation mechanism, and the school will take measures for those who are isolated.Faculty and students under medical observation must ensure that the five aspects of screening, control, supervision, education and care are in place . After faculty and staff and students recover from their illness, they must check the resumption of classes certificate issued by a local qualified medical institution before returning to school.