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The working principle, characteristics and operation method of the riveting machine

After purchasing a suitable riveting machine, should also choose the matching rivets for mechanized production, then what key data are the procurement of rivets mainly concerned about?
Here's a list of common data:
I. Rigidity of rivets
In order to riveted the connector, the rigidity of the rivets must be achieved, that is, the tensile strength and shear strength to meet the production needs
2. Material of rivets
Rivets have aluminum, steel, stainless steel, copper and other materials, according to different environments to choose the performance of the material
3, drilling diameter
The size of the aperture is more important for riveting, too small, it is difficult to insert the rivet; It's too big for the riveting.
4. Brim shape
Rivet hat with round head, countersunk head, large brim. Round head is the most common, if the surface is flat after riveting, use countersunk head, if the riveted thing is relatively soft, choose a large brim is more appropriate
Five, riveting thickness
Select rivets that reach the riveting range according to the required riveting thickness
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