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The introduction and description of the fast fixation pneumatic riveting gun

< a href = "" > fly effect of pneumatic rivet machine < / a > installation note < / span > < br / >
I. Installation methods and steps
1. Take out the host and place it on a flat ground or stable working platform.
2. Insert one end of the rivet conveyor pipe into the rivet outlet of the main machine, and insert the other end into the rivet inlet of the rivet gun.
3. Insert the cylinder gas pipe and signal cable into the corresponding position of the host, and insert the other end into the cylinder connector of the rivet gun and the interface end of the signal cable.
4. Insert one end of the rivet gun gas pipe into the gas connector of the main engine, and insert the other end into the air intake of the rivet gun.
5. Connect the power supply and air supply, and the machine installation is complete.
Second, installation precautions
1. Please be sure to install the machine according to the installation steps. Do not connect the power and air source before installing the riveting conveying pipe, otherwise the riveting pipe may shoot out and cause injuries during installation.
2. Before switching on the power supply, ensure that the power supply is between 220V and 240V. Otherwise, personal injury, machine burning and fire may occur.
3. Make sure that the plane on which the host is placed is stable; otherwise, the machine may run unstably or the machine may be damaged by dumping.
4. Confirm that there is no water in the compressed air pipe before switching on the power, otherwise it will affect the service life of the machine, and may cause damage to the machine in serious cases.
5. After the air source is connected, the cylinder on the rivet gun should be in a retracted state, otherwise it will cause a rivet failure. The direction of the cylinder entering and leaving the air should be changed to make the cylinder on the rivet gun in a retracted state.