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Principle of automatic mechanism of flying effect nail pulling machine

                                                                                                      Advantages of automatic nail puller

why choose < a href = "" > fly effect automatic rivet machine < / a >, fly effect what are the advantages of automatic rivet machine? Please know below:

  1 Province workers good management, Latin speed is very fast, a person for two people, workers reduce, reduce management costs and wage costs.
  2. High efficiency and cost saving, no need to take the nail by hand, save the time of installing the nail. The output is increased than the original, the daily output is completed in advance, the working hours are shortened, and there is no need to work overtime anymore.
  3. Super clear good quality, Latin automatically sent to the mouth, no hand to take, reduce secondary pollution, the left hand to hold the product, do not worry about uneven hole position, resulting in reduced production or secondary rework.
  4. No need to master the simple and easy to learn, the same operation as the master, no training, immediately on the job, no longer have to worry about the influence of the master turnover output.
  5. The use of automatic nail pulling machine can reduce manpower and reduce product production costs.
  6. Reliable automation products are easier to manage than people.
  7. Can effectively improve product quality, through automation equipment can effectively improve product consistency
  8. The product weight has high repeatability and consistency, which can greatly reduce the unqualified rate.
  9. High precision products, machines and equipment using a variety of high-precision guidance, positioning, feed, adjustment, detection, vision systems or components, can ensure the high precision of product assembly production.
  10. Replace manual operation in harmful and dangerous environments.

    Pull riveting tool or equipped with high efficient and the most appropriate, nail < a href = "" > fly effect automatic rivet machine < / a > complete a station for you all.