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Gujing tribute wine is a famous traditional wine in Bozhou. Produced in Bozhou City, Anhui province, belongs to the Bozhou area specialty Daqu Luzhou-flavor liquor," Peony in wine" Known as one of China's eight famous wines.
Gujing Gong wine has a very long history in the history of Chinese wine making, its origin began in the first year of Jian 'an (196), Cao Cao's hometown Bozhou. Nine brew spring wine "; The "quot; The color is clear like crystal, the smell is pure like orchid, the entrance is luscious and mellow, and the aftertaste is lasting." The unique style has won unanimous praise at home and abroad.
Gujing Gong Wine has won the gold medal of the National Wine Evaluation Conference for four consecutive times and won the title of China's famous wine. In 1988, it won the first place at the 13th International Food Fair in Paris.
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