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Lifeiteng riveting equipment with mechanical arm - fast automation equipment

        Here is a quick chat about Nail pulser and nail gun, so that you can make a quick and accurate choice when purchasing.
At present, the mainstream nail-pulling machines and nail-pulling guns on the market can be divided into four types: electric nail-pulling guns, pneumatic nail-pulling guns, flying effect nail-pulling machines and power flying nail-pulling machines (equipped with mechanical arms).
Today, put the flying effect nail machine and electric nail gun aside for the moment, and first talk about the relatively large factory demand for pneumatic nail guns and power flying nail machines (equipped with mechanical arms).

        The demand for pneumatic nail guns is relatively large for small factories, in the case of small orders, the purchase of nail guns is a lot of factory cost control equipment, but the cost of workers will be slightly higher, the cost of workers is higher than the cost of nail guns, and is continuous. This reflects that the factory only looks at the immediate benefits and does not think about the cost situation in the future. Here is a look at the advantages and disadvantages of the nail gun.

        Advantages and disadvantages of nail guns:
The basic advantages of the nail gun on the market are similar, working under normal air pressure, its working steps are first installed nails, and then align with the hole, then the rivets, this (skilled) is basically about 3 seconds, and novice words, may be slower, down 20-30 nails a minute, you can see that the efficiency is also general, the nail gun is relatively light, There is no load-bearing feeling in the hand, the cost is relatively low, the price of more than 2,000 to more than 7,000 brands, the popularity of nail guns I believe many people know, I will not talk in detail.

        Let's see Lifeiten nailer (with robotic arm) :
        I believe you heard the force flying three words, a little confused! No hurry. Let me argue.
Power Feiteng is a brand of new equipment, which is the brand of Swift, is recently developed, and has the function of flying at the same time, but also developed an invention. This invention has been studied for half a year until now has been tested, although there are many problems in the process of research and development, but after many tests have already met the requirements of the market, this invention, is capable of carrying a robotic arm, I believe many people can think of the automatic robotic arm in the auto factory.
        This robot arm is similar to the automatic robot arm in the auto factory, with unmanned operation, bringing the world of automation, we only need to install the robot arm into the field of full automation can be achieved, the equipment also adds a PLC+ touch screen intelligent control system, built-in independent program for a variety of requirements, Give a sense of the field of automation, and the display setting parameters are more than fly function, is a way to improve the value of the factory and give customers the feeling of your factory is not simple!