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What are the characteristics of a good quality automatic feeding and nailing machine?

How to judge the strength of an automatic nail machine manufacturer (flying effect)

      Fly effect automatic riveting machine automatic supply feeding, saving time and labor, improve efficiency; Up and down smooth, not easy to card material, a pull off; Equipped with intelligent counting function to prevent nail leakage, parameters can be set and alarm function; It also has an automatic regulator and working barometer.    
      First of all, look at the actual use of the product.
      Although there are many automatic nail pulling machines sold on the market, there is still a big gap in service level and product quality. Many times, by not knowing the actual situation of a certain device manufacturer, it is necessary to test the actual use of their products. Generally speaking, it is a more efficient equipment, and the manufacturer has a better technical level.

      Secondly, it depends on the service quality of the manufacturer.
    Most of the automatic nail pulling machines are semi-non-standard products, many of which require professional customization. Therefore, when choosing a manufacturer to provide equipment, we must have more understanding of the manufacturer's service level. It mainly includes the site of the network, the basic content of the service, the cost of the service, etc.

    Finally, it is necessary to understand the source of the main parts of the product.